Will the parishes of Most Holy Trinity and Our Lady of Fatima be combined?
Yes. The parishes and resources of MHT (Most Holy Trinity) and OLF (Our Lady of Fatima) will be merged to create a new, combined Parish with Fr. Mendoza as the pastor. Pastoral, administrative, and ministry functions will be streamlined to more efficiently serve and support the combined parish.
Why are the parishes being merged?
Like your own businesses and families, our Churches face new challenges to support its future. Whether managing repairs to our church buildings and onsite cemeteries, or answering parishioner calls, our Churches face changing realities of diminishing attendance and a growing shortage of priests. The merger is designed as an important first step to better position our local Church to meet the current and future needs of the Wallingford community.
I have questions, who can I contact?
A Transition Team has been assembled with representatives from MHT, OLF, and COR (Church of the Resurrection.) We’re interested in your questions and will add them to this document as we move forward with the merger. Please submit questions to the Team’s email address: info@mhtwallingford.org
Will the Church of the Resurrection be combined in this merger?
Yes, but at a later date. COR will be merged into the new combined parish following the retirement of the current pastor, Monsignor Georgia.
When will the merger be effective?
Current expectations are that the official merger of MHT and OLF into one parish will be effective January 1, 2022. Church of the Resurrection will be merged into the parish at a later date.
What is the vision for the merger?
To establish a new, welcoming, and dynamic parish, which honors God, respects all people, and makes disciples who change the world.
What will be the name of the combined parish?
The new combined parish will be called Most Holy Trinity Parish. Under the umbrella of Most Holy Trinity Parish, we will have Most Holy Trinity Church and Our Lady of Fatima Church.
Will the name of our churches change?
No. The names of our church buildings will not change and will continue to be used to identify the campus locations that form the one, combined parish.
Will both churches continue to be available for celebrating sacraments and funerals?
Yes. During this initial phase, Sacramental life will be available at both Our Lady of Fatima campus and Most Holy Trinity campus even as the merger seeks to consolidate and streamline other parish resources.
What happens to the parishes’ financial resources?
In any parish merger, the financial resources of the affected parishes are combined. In this case, the parish resources of Most Holy Trinity and Our Lady of Fatima will be combined effective January 1, 2022. The parish resources of Church of the Resurrection and Most Holy Trinity / Our Lady of Fatima will be combined at a later date, when that merger takes place. The Archdiocese provides oversight and guidance of this process.
What other changes can we expect?
The goal is to have a stronger, more sustainable parish with the resources to carry us for generations to come. As such, the merger will entail a number of “behind the scenes” changes, as well as more visible issues. The timing for these changes will vary and the goal is unity, not disruption. As things like parish ministries or offices are combined, we will communicate that well in advance. All of these changes will require the full support and participation of the parishioners.
Where can I find updated merger information?
The Transition Team will provide merger updates through various communication channels, including email, the bulletin, announcements at Mass, and online. Transition information can be accessed directly online by visiting either parish website.
How can I help?
The Transition Team has developed subcommittees for Pastoral Care, Communication, Evangelization, and Finances. If you are interested in being involved, please email us at Info@mhtwallingford.org.
Most Holy Trinity Parish
Churches - Most Holy Trinity, 84 N. Colony Street, Wallingford, CT 06492 / Our Lady of Fatima, 382 Hope Hill Road, Yalesville, CT 06492
Parish Office - (203) 269-8791