The mission of the Christians In Action Ministry is to live a life of Christian values and in service to others, as commanded by our Lord, Leader and Savior, Jesus Christ, who commanded that we love God with our whole mind, heart and soul; and to love our neighbor as ourselves. He also commanded us to go out into the nations and evangelize the Gospel message to all.
To this end, we strive as members of Christians In Action to act in a spirit of brotherhood, joy, and Christian fellowship, ever mindful and respecting the Lord's commands.
Some activities include the monthly food collection, the holiday food basket distribution for Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter, American Red Cross blood drives, the Christmas Giving Tree, and special activities during the year, such as the pet blessing for animals.
To join the committee or for more information on upcoming projects, please contact us at 203-269-8791 or
President: Gail Villani
Clergy: Rev. Andrés Mendoza Floyd
A heartfelt "Thank You" to everyone who made the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays a great success. The Christians In Action Committee was able to assist 24 families from the parish with meals for Thanksgiving and Christmas, as well as numerous Christmas gifts for the children. It was wonderful to bear witness to the generosity of our parish. May you have a blessed and hope-filled Christmas and New Year.
Yours in Christ,
Christians In Action Committee
Most Holy Trinity Parish
Churches - Most Holy Trinity, 84 N. Colony Street, Wallingford, CT 06492 / Our Lady of Fatima, 382 Hope Hill Road, Yalesville, CT 06492
Parish Office - (203) 269-8791